Trinity TMS

The smart and easy way of treasury management

Trinity TMS

Company’s background

We love what we do and we live our claim: Your Treasury. Your Way. Our Software.

With Trinity Treasury Management System you can do YOUR treasury YOUR way.

Exceptional Treasury Management Software makes a treasurer’s job infinitely easier. And it makes a treasury department far more effective in providing detailed financial information for corporate decisions. And when that treasury software performs above and beyond expectations and provides flexible reports and value-added features backed by the best support in the industry, you have a real winner.

That’s what Trinity delivers – simplicity in design, powerful in operation, and the trust that comes from experience.


Cash Management

The Cash & Liquidity Management Module covers all of the requirements a modern corporate treasury department needs to manage daily cash and forecast medium/long term liquidity.

Trade Finance

Conducting business that involves trade finance related instruments typically was complicated. Note that we say “was”…

The Trinity treasury management system Trade Finance Module can capture the development of your Guarantees & Letters of Credit, allowing for unprecedented organization. This gives CFOs an up-to-the-minute view of their off-balance positions and headroom.


The Trinity treasury management system Payments Module will create your treasury payments (e.g. SEPA, MT101), which are then uploaded into your existing Electronic Banking system for signature approval and release.

Group Netting

Group netting of payables and receivables can save unnecessary bank fees. It can also hedge corporate risk, funneling it to the main office level as opposed to the subsidiary level. Hedging risk like this saves money.

Through the aggregation of all payables and receivables for each subsidiary, the net position can be easily calculated, and more effective invoicing can be set up. Settlement of the net amounts can be effectuated either through internal current accounts, or via a physical payment to a bank account.

The Trinity treasury management system Group Netting Module makes the above simple and intuitive, with a robust rules-based workflow that also highlights and manages disputes in an orderly fashion.

In the end, it’s all about a logical structure that makes sense and our Group Netting module accomplishes that.

Bank Account Management

The larger the company, the more bank accounts they have. And they are usually spread out over borders, different time zones and may involve multiple currencies.

The Trinity treasury management system Bank Account Management Module consolidates your banking information in one place, allowing for easy up-to-date overviews of authorised account signatories and related documents and fees. This makes keeping track of everything easier and also ensures seamless annual auditing.

Financial Transactions

Based on the analyses in the area of liquidity management and risk management, the treasurer decides on the appropriate financial transactions to invest in or safeguard his risks.

The module Financial Transactions provides the appropriate platform for recording and managing all financial transactions in a single financial database. The Trinity Treasury Management System creates the appropriate settlement documents for each individual transaction, generates the booking instructions for your accounting, the associated payment instructions for your banks, valuates the transactions according to accounting requirements or generates your EMIR notifications in one go.

CFO Reporting

Because sometimes a picture is indeed worth a THOUSAND words.
Trinity Treasury Management System is unmatched in reporting features. And our CFO Reporting module takes it to another level.

Analysing data in a workbench, pivot table, or pdf report is great and the Trinity Treasury Management System CFO Reporting Module handles that quite well with its integrated report writer.

But sometimes, CFOs also want a complete visual, made just for them. We therefore designed this specialized CFO dashboard that contains interactive graphics specifically designed for the CFO. There are various viewing and zooming options available to see the underlying data in a crystal clear fashion. In addition, this graphical aspect also works on your smartphone or tablet.

Risk Management

The identification and quantification of financial risk is a major challenge in corporate treasury. Trinity Treasury Management System makes it intuitive.

Our Risk Management module lets you manage your FX and Interest Rate risk in an efficient and transparent manner, with results that are crystal clear.

Your un-hedged FX exposure is calculated by making a comparison between the forecasted operational exposure and hedged transactions. Advanced functionalities (such as Fair Value Calculations and Hedge Accounting Effectiveness Testing) allow for even deeper analysis.

In addition, Trinity Treasury Management System also allows the simulated movement of FX and interest rates, and details how they affect your portfolio. And to wrap everything up, an interface that automatically imports your market data is available.

Trinity Treasury Management System can be installed on premise, but most clients can add more value by utilizing our cloud-based service.

Performance is flawless, with 99% uptime on our secure datacentre located in Frankfurt, Germany. Our hosting service has all of the expected certifications, such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 27001 and more.

For more information on TrinityTMS, please visit the TrinityTMS website.

Trinity Treasury Management System can be installed on premise, but most clients can add more value by utilizing our cloud-based service.

Performance is flawless, with 99% uptime on our secure datacentre located in Frankfurt, Germany. Our hosting service has all of the expected certifications, such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 27001 and more.

For more information on TrinityTMS, please visit the TrinityTMS website.

“We offer powerful solutions that are easy to use, and tailored to our customers. Saving our clients both time and money is our mission.”

Henning von Tresckow – CEO Trinity Management Systems GmbH

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